Implementing the protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial for the recovery-oriented intervention to people with psychoses in two Latin American cities.

Implementing the protocol of a pilot randomized controlled trial for the recovery-oriented intervention to people with psychoses in two Latin American cities. Mascayano F, Alvarado R, Andrews HF, Jorquera MJ, Lovisi GM, Souza FM, Pratt C, Rojas G, Restrepo-Toro ME, Fader K, Gorroochurn P, Galea S, Dahl CM, Cintra J, Conover S, Burrone MS, Baumgartner JN, Rosenheck R, Schilling S, Sarução KR, Stastny P, Tapia E, Cavalcanti MT, Valencia E, Yang LH, Susser E. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2019 May 2;35(4):e00108018. PMID: 31066775  doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00108018.