Trump’s Positive Covid-19 Test Is a Public Health ‘Nightmare’ | Rolling Stone

The Friday morning that the Trumps both tested positive came not long after Hope Hicks, one of the president’s top aides, also tested positive. Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported Friday that Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel had tested positive this week. And later on Friday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) announced that he, too, had tested positive; Lee had attended an at least one in-person event at the White House in the past week.
Dr. Sandro Galea, the dean of Boston University’s School of Public Health, says it isn’t especially surprising to learn that Trump had tested positive. “He was at high risk for contracting the virus because he was in contact with a lot of people without observing physical distancing, without wearing a mask, without taking appropriate precautionary measures,” Galea tells Rolling Stone.

Read the full piece here.